Price decided that she wanted to model for the camera. Those of you that have girls can relate to these pictures. She thinks this outfit is just beautiful together. Her idea of style just isn't quite up to par yet. Move over Cindy Crawford, here is Price.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
My daughter, the model, ha ha
Price decided that she wanted to model for the camera. Those of you that have girls can relate to these pictures. She thinks this outfit is just beautiful together. Her idea of style just isn't quite up to par yet. Move over Cindy Crawford, here is Price.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Recent Pictures
Sunday, October 12, 2008
My camera has been stolen
Last week Price's class went on a field trip to the pumpkin patch. She looked so cute and I took a lot of really cute pictures. I left my camera in my car. I didn't think anything about it because I leave everything in my car. On Thursday of this week I went looking for it because I had time to download the pictures. Well.... my camera was not there. A lot of cars in my neighborhood have been broken into and now it was my turn. I must have not locked it at some point. The thing that makes me the maddest is that there are pictures of Laura Davis on there that I haven't downloaded. The only pictures of her that have been downloaded are the ones of her in the hospital and the ones at the lake house which I posted. This just really makes me mad. The can take my camera, just give me back the SD card.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
High School Musical
Price is big into High School Musical right now. Do any of you MC grads think that Stacy Roth looks like Sharpay? Just wondering. I think that they look just a like.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Sorry it has been so long
I know that I have been so slack when it comes to keeping up with my blog. I am even worse than Alison (ha ha). Things have just been really busy lately. Laura Davis refuses to get her days and nights straight. We are still getting up 3-4 times a night. She is a colicy baby. She screams every night from about 6-10pm. So, if any of you have had a colicy baby, you just want to crash once they finally go to sleep. This is why I have not been blogging as much as I would like. We are leaving for Charleston tomorrow then traveling to North Myrtle on Saturday. Hopefully she will have one heck of a turn around while we are gone and I can catch everyone up on what all is going on with the Rinker crew. I hope to have some new pictures too. Laura Davis is growing so much and big sister Price is such a big help. I am not exaggerating either. She is the perfect ago to "want to help."
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
1 month check up
We had Laura Davis' 1 month check up today. She did great. She is 97% in height and weight. Needless to say, she is a big girl. She is sleeping much better than she was. We thought that she may be colicy but she is doing much better now. She is still waking up about 3-4 times a night so thank goodness I am not back in school. I wouldn't be able to function. I am going to attach some more photos of the family since I haven't posted any in a while.
Friday, August 1, 2008
she is all healthy, finally!!
Well, the Rinker crew has had a very busy week. I was supposed to be induced Saturday morning at 7 but I ended up going on my own at 3 am. I woke up with contractions that were 7 minutes apart so I decided to take a shower and just get ready. By the time I got out of the shower, they were 4 minutes apart. We rushed to the hospital. When I got there I was already 5 cm so I went ahead and had some drugs. Beautiful Laura Davis Rinker was born at 11:41 am.
This is when all the excitement happens. When she was born, she was awake but never cried. They ended up calling in the NICU team to assess her. They took her own to the NICU because her O2 intake levels were low. Then they decided to do a chest xray because they thought she had fluid on her lungs. During the xray they found that she had broken her collar bone durning labor. She was a little too big to come out of me. Which is weird because I am a big girl and she wasn't really all that big (8lbs 10oz and 21 1/2 inches long). This fracture caused her whole right arm to be really brused. That was pitiful to see. Next they told us that her plasma levels were too low and they were going to have to keep her in NICU for a little longer. Finally, everything came back OK and she was able to come be with me.
Then we finally though we were in the clear when the lactation consultant told us that she was "tongue tided" and needed the thing cut under her tongue. We are still waiting to meet with the ENT to decided when to do this. Because of this problem, she is unable to latch on so I am having to pump and feed her a bottle. This makes me really sad because I loved nursing Price. Hopefully we can have this little thing cut soon and Laura Davis will be able to nurse.
The day we were supposed to leave the hospital, they run all those tests. Her bilirubin numbers came back too high. They let us take her home but we had to go to the lab the next day to see if they had gone down. Well, they had gone up so the drs office called home health and we had to put her under a bili blanket. This is a little "thing" that wraps around the babys skin and is supposed to lower the bilirubin count. We had to take her back every day until her numbers got better. Finally last night they called and said her numbers were good and we could take her off the blanket. SO.......right now she is healthy. Hopefully the last little thing we have to do is clip that part under her tongue and she will be ready to go. Thank you all for your prayers. This little one has really needed them.
Price is being a GREAT big sister. She kisses Laura Davis all the time and tells her she loves her. I know this will probably wear off soon but it is good while it is lasting. I am very proud of Price and how she is handling all these changes. She gets so sad when Laura Davis cries and tells me to make her better. Isn't that sweet? I will keep you posted as to her health and all the new things she does.
This is when all the excitement happens. When she was born, she was awake but never cried. They ended up calling in the NICU team to assess her. They took her own to the NICU because her O2 intake levels were low. Then they decided to do a chest xray because they thought she had fluid on her lungs. During the xray they found that she had broken her collar bone durning labor. She was a little too big to come out of me. Which is weird because I am a big girl and she wasn't really all that big (8lbs 10oz and 21 1/2 inches long). This fracture caused her whole right arm to be really brused. That was pitiful to see. Next they told us that her plasma levels were too low and they were going to have to keep her in NICU for a little longer. Finally, everything came back OK and she was able to come be with me.
Then we finally though we were in the clear when the lactation consultant told us that she was "tongue tided" and needed the thing cut under her tongue. We are still waiting to meet with the ENT to decided when to do this. Because of this problem, she is unable to latch on so I am having to pump and feed her a bottle. This makes me really sad because I loved nursing Price. Hopefully we can have this little thing cut soon and Laura Davis will be able to nurse.
The day we were supposed to leave the hospital, they run all those tests. Her bilirubin numbers came back too high. They let us take her home but we had to go to the lab the next day to see if they had gone down. Well, they had gone up so the drs office called home health and we had to put her under a bili blanket. This is a little "thing" that wraps around the babys skin and is supposed to lower the bilirubin count. We had to take her back every day until her numbers got better. Finally last night they called and said her numbers were good and we could take her off the blanket. SO.......right now she is healthy. Hopefully the last little thing we have to do is clip that part under her tongue and she will be ready to go. Thank you all for your prayers. This little one has really needed them.
Price is being a GREAT big sister. She kisses Laura Davis all the time and tells her she loves her. I know this will probably wear off soon but it is good while it is lasting. I am very proud of Price and how she is handling all these changes. She gets so sad when Laura Davis cries and tells me to make her better. Isn't that sweet? I will keep you posted as to her health and all the new things she does.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Saturday is the Day!!!
We just got home from the doctor just a second ago. He is going to induce us at 7 am Saturday morning. I am really excited but still nervous. Price is going to stay with Chrissy so she doesn't have to sit at the hospital all day. Thank God for great sisters. I am already dialated 2 cm so he says that things should progress pretty fast. I will keep you posted if anything else happens in the mean time.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
She is coming soon!!!
Well, I ended up coming home from the beach a couple of days early. Will came home Monday and by Wednesday, my blood pressure reached 180/112 so I decided that I needed to be at home. I know the beach is not supposed to be a stressful place but it kinda is when you have a 3 year old running around. Luckily my family is great and took her alot so I could get some rest but I still felt like I needed to be at my house. My pressure did come down some once I got home and relaxed. The weather was great and we did have a really good time.
I went to the dr. yesterday for another NST and a check up. My NST looked fine but my blood pressure was still up. He decided to put me on blood pressure medicine just to get me through the next week. He would really like for me to get as far along as possible. I got really lucky with Price that she was so perfect yet early. I go back on Monday and we are going to talk about inducing me next weekend. The thought of having 2 kids is kinda freaking me out right now. Price is at a great age where she is self sufficient. I am very nervous about starting all over. I was talking to one of my friends earlier today and told her that like with Price when she would get upset during the middle of the night, we would throw her in the car and ride around the block. We can't do that now because Price will be at home sleeping while we are tryiing to calm the new one down. I am going to have to try to come up with new ways. Please pray that this baby will be healthy. I am sure that I am not the only one that worries about their child not being healthy and something being wrong with her.
I went to the dr. yesterday for another NST and a check up. My NST looked fine but my blood pressure was still up. He decided to put me on blood pressure medicine just to get me through the next week. He would really like for me to get as far along as possible. I got really lucky with Price that she was so perfect yet early. I go back on Monday and we are going to talk about inducing me next weekend. The thought of having 2 kids is kinda freaking me out right now. Price is at a great age where she is self sufficient. I am very nervous about starting all over. I was talking to one of my friends earlier today and told her that like with Price when she would get upset during the middle of the night, we would throw her in the car and ride around the block. We can't do that now because Price will be at home sleeping while we are tryiing to calm the new one down. I am going to have to try to come up with new ways. Please pray that this baby will be healthy. I am sure that I am not the only one that worries about their child not being healthy and something being wrong with her.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
I love my Doctor!!!!
Well, I have had a very stressful week. I have gone to the dr. 3 times in one week, had three different drs, and each dr has told me different opinions about my condition. This really stressed me out because I hd no idea which dr. I need to listen to. I ended up calling my dr. that afternoon. He called me back yesterday afternoon with some great news. He is letting me off of bed rest and told me that I can go to the beach next week. He is a wonderful dr, not because he is letting me up but because he took time out of his day to call me to let me know what is the best action for me. Many drs would have had their nurse call but he called me himself. I love him. He is great!!
When I went to the doctor Tuesday, I had an ultrasound, a non stress test, and I met with the doctor. The ultrasound showed that my baby girl is already 6 pounds. The nurse said that this means she will be about 9 pounds when she is born. I just don't know if I can handle delivering that. I guess I don't have a choice, huh? Other than that, everything else looked really good. Her fluid levels are good and her development both looks
I will be 35 weeks on Saturday. He says that I don't have preeclyampsia but I have gestational hypertension which can lead to preeclyampsia but I am not spilling any protein so I don't have it yet. Please say a prayer for me that I will have a safe week at the beach and can make it home before this baby comes. I really don't want to have the baby at the beach. I am going in for an NST (non stress test) this morning at 8:30 just to make sure everything is still going well.
When I went to the doctor Tuesday, I had an ultrasound, a non stress test, and I met with the doctor. The ultrasound showed that my baby girl is already 6 pounds. The nurse said that this means she will be about 9 pounds when she is born. I just don't know if I can handle delivering that. I guess I don't have a choice, huh? Other than that, everything else looked really good. Her fluid levels are good and her development both looks
I will be 35 weeks on Saturday. He says that I don't have preeclyampsia but I have gestational hypertension which can lead to preeclyampsia but I am not spilling any protein so I don't have it yet. Please say a prayer for me that I will have a safe week at the beach and can make it home before this baby comes. I really don't want to have the baby at the beach. I am going in for an NST (non stress test) this morning at 8:30 just to make sure everything is still going well.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Another Boring Day
I went to the doctor yesterday and they told me to not plan on getting off the couch until the baby comes. My blood pressure was high but not too bad so I think that are doing this more as a preventative measure. I guess that is good. I will now start going twice a week to have a non-stress test and ultrasound until the baby comes. This really puts a kink in my plans since we were supposed to go to the beach next week but oh well. I have to do what is best for my baby. If anyone has any ideas of good names, I would love to hear them.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Bed rest AGAIN!!!
Well, this has been a busy week for us. On Monday night my wonderful mom was giving me a pedicure and noticed how large my legs looked. I am a big girl but my legs have never been really big until now. After mom said this, I thought that I may need to go home and check my blood pressure (I had high blood pressure/preeclampsia with Price). Sure enough my blood pressure was 150/100 on three different occasions that night. I got a friend to check it the next morning and it was 147/96. I called my doctors office and they wanted to see me. There it ws 140/100. They told me to lay there for 5 minutes and they checked it again. This time it was down to 140/80. They put me on bed rest, told me to have no caffeine, not to go outside in the sun, and to eat a low sodium diet until Friday. I go back tomorrow for them to tell me more. I am having to do a 24 hour urine sample and they took my blood to check my liver. Hopefully I will know more tomorrow.
I feel like the baby is big so if they have to induce me again, I am really not to worried. Of course, the longer they put it off the better but I really feel good about the babies growth now. Please keep all of us in your prayers. It is hard being on bed rest with a 3 year old running around but I have a great sister and great friends who have been having Price over to play for the past 2 days.
Hopefully I will write some good news tomorrow.
I feel like the baby is big so if they have to induce me again, I am really not to worried. Of course, the longer they put it off the better but I really feel good about the babies growth now. Please keep all of us in your prayers. It is hard being on bed rest with a 3 year old running around but I have a great sister and great friends who have been having Price over to play for the past 2 days.
Hopefully I will write some good news tomorrow.
Monday, June 16, 2008
I am finally finished with school. We celebrated with another weekend at the lake. That has become the norm for us on the weekends. We had the Rotans out on Saturday then yesterday we had the rest of the Rinker crew out for fathers day. Price gave Will a raft for the lake but he told me to take it back. He didn't like it but oh well, it is the thought that counts. Will's cousin, Dalton, has a ski boat so Will and Price spent much of the afternoon on it. Will learned how to wake board. He was on cloud nine. I am very jealous that I can't do much on the lake. I have been trying to jet ski at a very slow pace but that just isn't as much fun as flying around like Will and Price. They have so much fun.
This week Price and I don't have many plans. I have a doctors appointment on Friday but other than that, we are just going to clean the house and spend some time at the pool. I guess that is all for now.
This week Price and I don't have many plans. I have a doctors appointment on Friday but other than that, we are just going to clean the house and spend some time at the pool. I guess that is all for now.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Sorry I haven't posted in so long
I have been really busy lately with being pregnant, school, Price, and everything else. Will's parent bought a lake house a couple of weeks ago and we have been there every weekend. I will have to post pictures when I download them. Price has really enjoyed getting in the water and tubing.
Price had her dance recital about 2 weeks ago. It was so cute. She didn't really dance at all. She pretty much did her own dance but oh well, it was really cute anyway.
I only have 2 more weeks of work and I am excited about that. I started telling my students this week. Although I am very excited about staying home, it is still really sad knowing that I am leaving these students who need me and I really need them. I love my job (if I have to work) but being at home with Price and my new baby is more important to me at this point in my life.
Price had her dance recital about 2 weeks ago. It was so cute. She didn't really dance at all. She pretty much did her own dance but oh well, it was really cute anyway.
I only have 2 more weeks of work and I am excited about that. I started telling my students this week. Although I am very excited about staying home, it is still really sad knowing that I am leaving these students who need me and I really need them. I love my job (if I have to work) but being at home with Price and my new baby is more important to me at this point in my life.
Friday, March 14, 2008
It's a GIRL!!!
Will and I found out last week that we will be having another girl. Will is sort of in shock. He was really looking forward to a boy but oh well, God has other plans. I keep telling Will that now we need to set up a wedding account too. Everything looks great with the baby. We are so fortunate to have one healthy baby and so far another one on the way
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentine's Day
Well, Price and I both have the flu. We have not had a great week but today Will suprised me with a dozen roses and had Price a card and candy. I thought that was so sweet since I hadn't been able to get out of the house to get anything. I go to the doctor next week for my next OB appointment. Then they will schedule an ultrasound for the next week or 2. I will post what we are having. Keep us in your prayers.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
We had a great Christmas. I know that it has been awhile since I have posted anything. Sorry!!! Price got this bike think that you plug into the TV, a Go Diego Go tree house, tons of doll stuff, and lots of other things that she really needed. ha ha
Also, we told everyone that we are expecting again. Our next little baby will be due in August. I am not sure yet of the exact date but hopefully we will have a more clear picture next week when we go back to the doctor. Price is really excited and she really wants a baby brother. She says his name is Jackson just like on Hannah Montana but I don't think that will be his name if it is a boy since I already have a nephew named Jackson. She will like pour water in my belly button and say the baby is thirsty. We are so excited. Please keep us in your prayers.
Also, we told everyone that we are expecting again. Our next little baby will be due in August. I am not sure yet of the exact date but hopefully we will have a more clear picture next week when we go back to the doctor. Price is really excited and she really wants a baby brother. She says his name is Jackson just like on Hannah Montana but I don't think that will be his name if it is a boy since I already have a nephew named Jackson. She will like pour water in my belly button and say the baby is thirsty. We are so excited. Please keep us in your prayers.
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